Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Overcoming And Treating Oily Skin

Oily skin is often a problem of millions of people and although
there are some treatments that can be done, these conditions
may be repeated for years. Oily Skin
marked by the appearance of shiny and dull. If circumstances
These lasted for years pores on facial skin
You may be covered by the oil and can cause excessive
pimple problems. Treatment options that can be used is
reduce the excessive discharge of oil or chemical
harsh soap. However, if this lasts excessive
and too much oil will be reduced at some point
will actually make the skin dry. Are caring for oily skin
the right way is a difficult process, which requires
balance between reducing the discharge of oil without having to cause
new problem, by making the skin dry. Actually, understanding
will cause oily skin is that it can find
correct solutions to address them.

Main Causes of Skin Berminya

The bad gene is the cause of oily skin problems - setidahknya
in most cases. Another major factor that causes skin
oily is our diet. Too many processes sugar, liquid
and inclusion of salt can be a contribution in oily skin problems.
Although suspected as the cause of heredity, oily skin, your doctor
leather selection will still recommend a diet with the intention of overcoming

Our hormones are other issues to be factors
great for a while (in some cases within
long) with oily skin problems. These cases mainly occur in
puberty when hormone levels are not very balanced. Common factor
in adolescence, where too much sebum production (oil under the skin) as a result of erratic hormone levels.

also tend to be unbalanced during pregnancy where oily skin
often be a problem for women before childbirth. Pill
KB can also be problems that exacerbate this situation. Another factor
penyabab known as oily skin is a cosmetic problem
and air humidity or very hot.

Oily Skin Care

While diet is the greatest factor in skin problems
oily, most people will choose to resist such conditions
This directly. And usually by attempting to eliminate oil
altogether, by using hard soap solution concentration
alkalinya high. Unfortunately, this approach is often exactly cause
problems that are less healthy and even cause the skin more oily.

- The oil produced by sebaceous glands
useful to help lubricate our skin and helps maintain
moisture. If someone is washing your face excessively and
removes sebum, the skin will turn dry, scaly, and
even cause itching. Plus, the removal of such oil will
stimulate the sebaceous glands produce more oil and can cause a condition known as Reactive Seborrhea.
This will make your glands work excessively and could
cause fails to function in the future. Various soap advance
cause problems, rather than overcome, should be avoided.

If you want to find a soap that contains no chemicals,
better to avoid soaps that contain alcohol, it is wonderful
choose a natural-based, such as olive oil, almonds or
avocado. They all have a function in which recharge will
help change the skin and retain moisture.

Wash face
with warm water, not hot water. It is important to stop
excessive discharge of oil, but instead of eliminating the same oil
once. Hot water makes soap removes dirt and oil
from the face and also accelerate the whole process, but it also
cause the skin to become dry and scaly. Also important to note
so no excessive facial scrub, it also causes
excessive loss of oil. Gently and slowly as the movement
clean face enough to reduce your oily skin problems
without having to cause the skin to become dry.

- Do not be too
frequently washing your face. This is probably the easiest way to eliminate
oil, but it also can lead to Reactive Seborrhea.
Once a day just washing your face with a gentle foaming soap has
enough to remove excess oil, while retaining moisture
which protects the skin remain intact.

- Using a moisturizer
is important, but the type that you use no less important. For
avoid spending money wasted because the select pelebab
one, note the ingredients contained in moisturizers that whether
in accordance with your skin. Moisturizer that is made from chemicals or synthetic
it can cause problems including allergic reactions, dehydration, and
even acne. Plus, if the balance is not based in fact be
cause the excessive discharge of oil that you want to avoid.
After rubbing his face with a gentle soap, we recommend using
minyal moisturizer made from natural like almond, olive or avocado,
all of which can protect, moisturize and help skin
looks beautiful without giving any side effects such as those caused material
and synthetic chemistry.

Thus we provide tips for
oily skin. But, nevertheless in addition to treatment,
food diets are also useful for oily skin problems encountered, guard
your diet and do not forget sports.

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